iFish Classic S125 Package (SLIDING floats)
The Package Includes:
- 1 float IFISH CLASSIC S125 Mint Leaf color
- 1 float IFISH CLASSIC S125 Cookies&Creme (if 2mm) or Tuscany Leaf (if 3mm) (see color images below)
- 1 pack of BG-1 jigs, Black, WITH CLIPS ($4.90)
The Package DOES NOT INCLUDE the 'stopper knot'. You have to tie your own stopper knot using ANY braid or mono fishing line with approx diameter 0.30-0.40mm. I use a cheap ebay braid and I do a UNI knot with 8-9 wraps. Float Stoppers ARE AVAILABLE (floats folder) but they should be used ONLY UNDER the float! Above the float you should tie a knot with some kind of braid, so it can slide easily through the guides!
CONVERSION TO FIXED 125 - you can ALWAYS put a silicone tubing under the lower eye and convert the Sliding float to Fixed! Watch the video!
Please use the 1.25 gram floats ONLY with the BG-1 1.25 gram jigs until you understand how they work together and how the float behaves! If you want a slow fall rate you can get a total weight of 1.25 gram by using ECOLITE 0.75 jigs (0.75g) + Float Sinker Kit (0.5g). There is installation instructions video on the Float Sinker Kit page (floats folder)
IFISH CLASSIC S125 Properties:
Capacity: 1.25 gram
Attach method: Sliding (also known as Slip float).
Antenna: 2mm or 3mm (Select 2mm for best Performance and 3mm if you want to sacrifice a little performance for better visibility)
Body material: Balsa
Fishing depth range: 3-20 feet
Recommended line: 0.14 to 0.20 mm monofilament
Recommended Jigs: 1.25G#12, 1.25G#10, (ECOLITE 0.75 + Float Sinker Kit (0.5g)